Making Affordability the First Step in the Patient Journey
By FirstView Financial
As Americans are struggling with high-deductible plans, opaque pricing, cost shifting and social determinants of health, it is becoming apparent that the crisis in healthcare is one of financial wellness, not just clinical.
In its recently released white paper Making Affordability the First Step in the Patient Journey: Insights From the Intersection of Healthcare and FinTech, FirstView Financial examines disrupting the copay and PBM ecosystems by making affordability the first step in the patient journey.
Giving people the understanding, control, and ability to pay, can reduce stress, and drive adherence and persistence. Key takeaways addressed include:
- The Crisis of Affordability Touches Every Generation.
- Cost Shifting to Patients.
- The Copay Surprise.
- The New Reality: Meds vs. Milk.
- The Ability to Pay: Convenience, Transparence and Access
- Financial Wellness is at the Intersection of Healthcare and Fintech
- How the new segment of paytech within fintech is disrupting the healthcare paradigm